Western Blacklegged Tick

(Ixodes pacificus)

Similar to the deer tick, the western blacklegged tick is very small with a reddish color and narrow mouth parts. It can be identified by its lack of festoons around the abdomen.

Its habitat along the US West Coast distinguishes it from the deer tick, which is found in the eastern United States.

In its early stages, it consumes the blood of small animals such as lizards and birds. Adult females feed on larger animals such as humans, deer, dogs, and bears. Its life stages mirror those of the deer tick.

The Tick Research Lab of Pennsylvania is able to detect the most common tick-borne diseases in any of these species. Our tick DNA tests are over 99.9% accurate.





Associated Diseases

Lyme Disease

In those infected with Lyme disease, there may be a rash near the bite. A bullseye-like... Learn More

Deer Tick Virus

Deer ticks can transmit the Powassan virus to a person in under 15 minutes. Learn More


Anaplasmosis infects white blood cells, causing headache, fever, chills, and body aches Learn More


Babesia is a parasite that damages red blood cells, causing hemolytic anemia ... Learn More

Relapsing Fever-like

Borrelia miyamotoi is a tick-borne bacteria that causes fever, chills, and headache. Learn More


Mycoplasma invade cells throughout the body and tend to be discovered in humans ... Learn More


Bartonella henselae is a proteobacterium that attacks white blood cells and the interior ... Learn More